Friday, April 27, 2007

Exit Dichotomies...

Over at FalseDichotomies Alex is taking what I'll call a military sabbatical. FD has been one of the most interesting blogs in the category (for want of a better term) progressive Zionists that I've come across and it stays firmly on my blogroll.

In Alex' own words:
But the argument is over. I’m really not sure there’s anything interesting to say anymore about Israel and Palestine. And I’m tired of arguing. I’ll continue to do it, of course – as long as people continue to peddle absurdities – but it’s deeply tiring. It’s easy to construct an argument. It’s easy to critique false dichotomies. But it’s not something that nourishes people. Only stories do that. The question now is: how do we create stories that can contribute to peace in the Middle East?

Is it stories that we need to contribute to peace in the Middle East? I'm not so sure. We certainly have no shortage of stories, as in distortions, exaggerations, chest-beating and plain old lies n' fabrications that don't contribute anything to peace and it all comes from both sides; it takes two to tango after all.

And so, I'll give Alex and Co. the benefit of the doubt. This could be interesting anyhow, considering Alex will shortly be joining the IDF, an institution of which he has been openly critical, vis-à-vis Israel's behaviour (I'm treading carefully here) in the occupied territories.

As the song goes, this is not the end, my friend:
Of course, we shall return to the blogosphere. I hope to return with a new blog by the end of the year. And we shall continue to write for Comment is Free [The Guardian, my edit]. And if you’re interested in hearing about life in the IDF, I shall be sending out an email about my experiences. Drop a line to if you want to sign up. Finally, thanks for reading.

I've signed up and will, with permission, reprint some of these emails at this here soapbox. So long...


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