Friday, July 27, 2007

Karen Hughes In Jalazone...

By Nick, H/T Alex Stein (

Nick is running a short blog about his month-long experience as an English teacher in
Jalazone, Palestine.
Today we had a celebrity visitor at the school in Amari camp. At the behest of UNRWA, Karen Hughes, some kind of flunkie (but important one - undersecretary?) for Condoleeza Rice came to do a photo-op and review the 'Knowledge Camp' which has been taking place at the school. The Palestinians are seeking renewed funding for the programme: the Americans saw a good opportunity for some PR. I'd stayed back in class to teach a few of the keener students and stumbled out onto the shady school entrance in the middle of it all. Karen Hughes was in full flow about the generosity of the Americans; minutes later an attractive child was perched on her knee; the usual platitudes rolled forth about chasing your dreams. So it goes. One of the students had the temerity to suggest that frequent nightly incursions by the IDF make studying tricky, but no-one mentioned the flaccid American response to the the continued metastasis of Israeli settlements in the future Palestinian state, or intimated that there might be a contradiction somewhere along the way between silvery invitations to dream and the reality of US policy in the region. Still, the kids had a good day, although my lot were a little bemused by the security goons with earpieces and dark glasses, a malevolent perimeter to all the colour and gaiety. And no-one was fooled by all the fine talk, least of all the Americans. Money is money, and propaganda is propaganda, as one of the Palestinian notables dubbed the event (the word "disgusting" also slipped out), a rare moment of frankness on a morning characterised by its abscence.


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Eitan Ha'ahzari said...

...I didn't know there was a place known as "Palestine." Make me think: maybe there should be a Kurdistan, a Chechnya, Germans living in Eastern know...

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Gert said...


Semantic games of this kind never solve anything. If you want to believe there is no place called Palestine, feel totally free. Like I said, it doesn't solve anything: wishing the Palestinians ("Pseudostinians" in your parlance) would simply disappear into thin smoke isn't actually going to make that happen.

Grow up and get used to the reality that surrounds you... The two-state solution will probably be a legal reality well within your lifetime.

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Eitan Ha'ahzari said...

...sadly enough...

...And oh, you may want to rethink blaming me for not being grown up enough. I've been behaving well lately;)

At 3:08 AM, Blogger Mad Zionist said...

Gert, everyday there are reportedly countless Jews mastesising into every corner of the world, settling like squatters where they are unwanted, creating terrible havoc with their big hook noses, miserly money lending, and evil protocals. The poor Palestinians are suffering because Jews, evil Jews who are always wearing yarmulkes and praying in Hebrew, are making the land putrid with that nasty "Jew smell".

If only the damn Jews would stop trying to live in the designated Yidden-free zones. If only the dirty Jews would stop getting their nasty Jewish germs all over clean and pure gentiles. If only those lying, conspiring Jews, the sons of monkeys and pigs that they are, would just vanish from the world and stop provoking everybody else, than maybe, just maybe, we could at last have peace on earth.

If only...

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Mad Zionist:

Sounds like you're suffering from another bout of madness... (wink)


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