Saturday, September 06, 2008

Red State Update: Sarah Palin

Our friends in the Conservative base appraise luvvely Guv Palin:

H/T to Cookie.

And a bit of bonus comedy to keep y'all smilin': probably the best Daily Show clip ever, in which Karl Rove appears just a liiiitttlle divided on the experience issue, pinhead Bill O'Lielly shows teenage pregnancy only matters when you're Brittanny Spears' sister and that other lyin', cheatin' sack of shit Bill Morris has something thing to say 'bout Hillary. Oh, and then there's Pfotenhauer weighing in too... Watch and enjoy/cringe (delete as appropriate).


At 12:46 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

I know how much you enjoy these two characters, so I though you'd appreciate this one....

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Sure. It was one of their better clips (they're not all great...)

But I still don't get what a hardnosed Conservative like you sees in a RINO like john McCain. His speech was definitely liberal-leaning in parts...

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

Can't have everything! I've yet to vote for ANY candidate that I agreed with all his policies and beliefs...

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Mad Zionist said...

Gert, Sarah has built McCain a 10 point lead in the latest USA Today/Gallup poll. She has really touched a nerve here in America, and people just love her. She is naturally loathed by the far left, but what an incredible splash. Obama is so yesterday.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

"mad zionist" pretty much summed it up. I know for myself, there are many attractions regarding her. I'm an outdoor sportsman, so's Sarah. I'm just plain folks and down to earth and so is Sarah. Thus far, unless proven otherwise, I like her ethics and honesty. I see the left grabbing on to the most trivial of things they can spin as negative about her, and Gert, if the left was smart, they'd immediately stop attacking her on a family and personal level because when they do, it just adds more points to the poll spread and boosts McCain even further ahead. People relate to her as a regular person and don't like seeing her attacked on what are basically, non-issues" having little, or nothingto do with politics...

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said... another "Red State" UPDATE posted regarding Obama's latest gaffe.... ;-)

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Cookie and Madze:

It's still a long way to November and elections aren't decided by polls, they're decided at the voting booths. Let's have some debates, eh?

Cookie wrote:

"[...] and Gert, if the left was smart, they'd immediately stop attacking her on a family and personal level because when they do, it just adds more points to the poll spread and boosts McCain even further ahead. People relate to her as a regular person and don't like seeing her attacked on what are basically, non-issues" having little, or nothingto do with politics..."

Like with everything else you guys try and put things on their head. Where are those attacks on Palin of which you speak? I'll tell you where they are: in your head and your perception and it gives you something to slander the left with...

Tell me: who claimed (still today, I have newsletter emails to prove it) that Obama is a Muslim? Who claimed he was unpatriotic (you for one in person did that Cookie)? Who questioned his wife's patriotism? Who claimed he might actually not be American enough? That he is playing the race card?

Who, Cookie?

If you pull it off, then all I can say is that negative campaigning still pays off.

To be honest, you're a bunch of hypocrites if I've ever seen one. Tell me, who was complaining that some of his relatives were planning to vote for Hillary "just because she's a woman"? Now you (yes, you Cookie) are doing exactly the same: you'll vote for Palin because, well, because you like her. Not on issues, not politically, not based on reason, just on fear. Very sad...

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

Whoa Gert! Lighten up a little mate.

First off...I was only stating why I liked her...and YES...I DO LIKE HER. Is that why I'm voting for her? Partially. She cleaned up some corrupt politics in her home state, managed to get money BACK TO the people of her State, wants to drill, and has demonstrated a sense of ethics I respect. Now, are you trying to tell me that everyone who's voting for Obama is voting solely on the issues. I think not. He's very charismatic and many will vote for him ONLY because of that. Some of these young (and older) voters over here wouldn't know an "issue" if it bit them in the ass.

Next, you ask "what attacks?" I'll chuck that question up to the fact you don't reside in this country and don't see the Bill Mahers and David Lettermans ascerting nightly that her Downs child is really that of her daughter's. And those folks who are questioning whether or not she can be a good VP because she has a large family. Talk about a sexist attack, my God man, did you ever see a male candidate for ANY office attacked on that position? Even "Jib-Jab" put up a parady called "The Ballad of Sarah Palin" (which I just posted). It's not really all that bad, but it's still an attack, so don't tell me and millions of other Americans the attacks are in our heads.

Regarding patriotism. I, like many others, have definately questioned his patriotism, primarily because of his originally NOT being willing to wear an American flag on his lapel and his reluctance to say say the Pledge of Allegience. Of course I questioned it! It's my duty to question it.

Now, here's is were you get into some inuendo I don't like. I don't ever recall definately stating that he was a Muslim. I may have questioned that early on (like many other Americans did), but since I don't know (and neither does anybody else), I don't believe I ever stated it as fact, just questioned it.

And Gert...after Michelle Obama's statement about never having been proud of her country before that night, EVERYONE questioned just what hell she was about after that statement! It was so bad, the party shut her down and kept her out of the public eye for some time.

Now...I DON'T EVER recall making any statements about Obama's relatives voting for Hillary. I really think you have me confused with someone else on that point...seriously Gert.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Gert said...


You wrote:

"Now, are you trying to tell me that everyone who's voting for Obama is voting solely on the issues."

Straw man argument: nowhere did I say that.

"I don't ever recall definately stating that he was a Muslim. I may have questioned that early on (like many other Americans did), but since I don't know (and neither does anybody else), I don't believe I ever stated it as fact, just questioned it."

I didn't say that you did personally: but the Rightwing has, and still makes that argument. And you personally still don't know he's a Christian???? Com'on, man... On top of that it shouldn't matter one iota what faith, race or gender Obama is: read your own Constitution.

Bill Mahers and David Lettermans are comedians. Do you now take jokes as the literal truth too? Honestly, all you're doing now is ripping something out of its context and then claiming: "They said it! Honest!" Your own blog is full of political humour and namecalling, yet you hold that against others???? Try recalling some of the filth you spouted about the Clintons. But I guess that was all simply true, huh?

"I DON'T EVER recall making any statements about Obama's relatives voting for Hillary."

I didn't say that you made statements about Obama's relatives: you made statements about some of your OWN relatives being inclined to vote for Hillary only because she was a woman and you declared you thought it wrong.

As regards, lightning up a little, careful, that works both ways...

Like I said: your side might win but it'll be on dirty tricks, not much more...

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

Just one last point. The comments that Mahar and Letterman made were not in a comedic context. If you can find any video of their monlogues, check it out, you'll see for yourself. I really enjoy Leno, and even though he leans left most of the time, his comedy (right or left) is in fact just that...comedy. Mahar and Letterman are just plain nasty, hateful individuals....and from what I've been reading as of late, their ratings and viewership are deteriorating because they have been "stepping over the line" more frequently.

Also, you stated (at the end of your text) that I'm not voting for Palin on the issues, a point which I believe I've defended, but added I'm voting for her out of "fear". Well...I guess to certain degree you're correct on that point, I have a fear of Obama being elected because I truly believe that he will be very bad for this country, at least at this time in our history.

If he is elected, and I'm correct, I'll gladly accept your apology. If he's elected, and I'm wrong, you'll have MY apology... ;-) Fair enuff....??

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Gert said...

I'll let you off, as usual... (;)

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

That was fun...we have to do it again sometime. Its always a stimulating conversation with you Gert....truth.


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