Tuesday, February 03, 2009

To be Kahanist or not to be Kahanist, that's the question...


Without comment but all emphasis is mine.

Eight days ahead of the general elections, and with polls predicting four Knesset seats for the National Union, Dr. Michael Ben-Ari – number four on the party's list and a man who defines himself "Kahane's student and follower" - is very likely to find himself in the Israeli parliament.

In a conversation with Ynet, Ben-Ari presented his proposed solution to the "problem" of Israeli Arabs, declared he would not be part of a Knesset that engages in negotiations with the Palestinians and explained his support for soldiers disobeying orders.

"I'm not the only one who represents (late Rabbi Meir) Kahane. He's represented by a great many people today, within the Knesset and outside it," Ben-Ari stated. "(Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor) Lieberman masquerades as Kahane to win more mandates, (Likud MK) Limor Livnat also sounds like Kahane, and everybody realizes the need for a solution to the problem of Israeli Arabs – a subject which was once taboo.

"The saying, 'Kahane was right,' has already been used up. You can practically see how what Rabbi Kahane brought up 24 years ago has now become the central issue of this election campaign," he added.

Ben-Ari explained that his plan was to open a "humanitarian corridor" for Arabs to places like Turkey or Venezuela, and raise money worldwide that would go towards providing them with an "acclimatization grant" in their new countries.

Are you referring to the entire Arab population in Israel?

"I suppose not all of them are enemies. The Druze, for instance, are highly loyal and aren't hostile. But the Arabs in Umm al-Fahm who dance on the rooftops when Jews are being slaughtered? What I'm suggesting isn't cruelty or racism, but survivability. It's either us or them. If we're nice to them and keep dreaming of coexistence – they will fight us."

According to Ben-Ari, transfer for Arabs is but a minor part of Kahane's teachings. Among the other objectives he vowed to try and accomplish in the next Knesset is the elimination of "the High Court's rule":

"Dorit Beinish is the last Supreme Court president who represents the Left in Israel. The next president will have to be chosen in elections that represent the opinion of the majority in Israel."

He added that "the Supreme Court will be made up of sensible jurists whose worldview falls in line with those of the people of Israel… the judges in Israel will act in favor of the Jews and the IDF soldiers, whose lives are more valuable than those of others."


At 11:45 PM, Blogger Nevin said...

Every human thinks, their life is more valuable then others.... Seriously... What is wrong with our genes??

This is not an Israeli problem... this is a human problem!

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Gert said...

We're a strange brood...

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Emmanuel said...

Yes, it is indeed a general human problem, but Michael Ben-Ari will become my problem (as well as the problem of all Israelis) if he gets into the Knesset. I must say, though, that since he's a member of a fairly small party, he worries me less than Avigdor Lieberman and his 12-to-18 Knesset seats, as projected by polls.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Gert said...

You don't seem to have a great deal of healthy choices, right now...


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