Friday, August 14, 2009

Zionist-style Truth Inversion on a Grand Scale...

From Michael Freund, in the J'Post, comes this little gem: Fundamentally Freund: Why the Left should support settlements

Take, for example, veteran columnist Thomas Friedman, who wrote in The New York Times (August 1) that Israel had "misled" and even "manipulated" Washington for the past 40 years on the issue of settlements in Judea and Samaria. Israel's leaders, he warned, need to realize that "they have a real problem with America on settlements," which Friedman believes stand in the way of real progress toward peace.

Such claims are hardly new, of course. If only the Jewish state would stop expanding settlements, we have constantly been told, the chances of resuming talks would brighten.

And if Israel would just cease its policy of "confiscating" additional Palestinian land, it would pave the way for a viable two-state solution to bring about an end to the century-old conflict, the Left frequently asserts.

Nothing, however, could be further from the truth.

Indeed, if the Left would put aside its slogans for a moment and consider the present situation rationally and cogently, it would realize that much of its heated rhetoric about settlements is entirely misplaced. For it is precisely the continued expansion of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria which provides the best chance for achieving a long-term, viable peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Yes, you read that correctly. More settlements can actually mean more peace, and for that reason the Left should switch gears and support them.

THE LOGIC is really quite simple. For the past 16 years, ever since the signing of the 1993 Oslo Accords, the Palestinians have refused to conclude a final deal. Feeling that they have all the time in the world at their disposal, they are in no rush to ink a lasting agreement. Instead, they can sit on the sidelines and watch as the international community directs its ire at Israel and tries to compel it to make even more far-reaching concessions.

That is a recipe for failure, which is exactly what it has produced thus far. In any negotiations of consequence, when one side feels it has nothing to lose - and everything to gain - by dragging out talks, that is just what it will do.

Therefore, anyone who really wants to see a resumption of talks should cheer when the Israeli bulldozers rev up their engines, because that is the most effective way of disabusing the Palestinians of the notion that time is on their side.

Their leadership needs to be made to understand that their dilly-dallying comes at a very tangible price, because the longer they wait, the more territory they will "lose" as the Israeli presence in the areas is strengthened and reinforced.

Now, don't get me wrong - I personally believe Israel should expand Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria because of our divine-given right to these areas. And I do not want Israel to give up control over any part of our ancestral patrimony, nor do I believe the Palestinians are truly interested in peace with us.

Peace by settlement building... I'm lost for words... But let no one claim some Zionists don't want peace: they do... but entirely on their terms!


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Frank Partisan said...

Time is not on the side of Zionism. It's obsolete as an ideology, and the Arab birthrate will make the idea of a Jewish state out of date.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Hmmm... seems to me we've got the watches but they've [zionists] got the time.

At 3:14 AM, Blogger Frank Partisan said...

Do you think Israel's leaders, are only short term thinkers?

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Gert said...

They seem to live by the day, IMHO. Finkelstein sees it that way too.

Another day, another settlement (and no closer to a Palestinian State).

But the entire West remains to blame. In a sense I can almost understand the new generation of Zionist Jews feeling they're entitled to 'Judea and Samaria': they've never known differently... With every passing day the faits accomplis become more, well... accomplis. No great need for long term thinking...


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