Wednesday, September 23, 2009

AJC's 'The Button': anti-Iranian agit-porn...

Watch the AJC's latest bit of excrement on the Iranian nuclear issue. Apparently it's been removed from YouTube for violations of terms. Watch it here at AJC. Not long ago they had another one in that 'line of work', but this one takes the biscuit.

H/T to and analysis by Richard Silverstein.


At 10:54 PM, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Grand to see you defeating The Sentinel over at Ren's gaff, although pity Ren can't moderate his space.

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Hi Dan:

No, Ren doesn't enforce even the most basic of his moderation rules. I won't be going there for a while. If in the name of 'free speech' he wants his space to be dominated by the 'three amigo bigots', then so be it but progressives will lose interest in forums that are being used as the wingnutters' megaphones.

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I have felt this way for some time, he takes no responsibility for anything that occurs there, he must get every comment into his inbox and he clearly chooses to ignore it.

Your summation of what it has become is very accurate indeed.

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Gert said...

For instance, allowing a comment like 'I HATE THE JEWS', whoever it was made by, is the most fragrant infraction of the rules. Yet it isn't deleted (at least not when I last looked). That's not 'protection of free speech', IMHO.

Really the last 50 or so comments on the 'Tarantino' thread should be deleted.

Over at Jews sans Frontieres I got 'censored' once for using the term 'Radical Towel heads' by which I meant 'al Qaeda' and assorted radical Islamist nutjobs. I thought that was maybe a bit OTT but thanks to its moderation policy JSF is essentially squeaky clean. Good...

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Yep, I had to twist Ren' arm to get him to even do something and all we got is a watered down comment mod policy that is NEVER brought into play, while all the horrid racist nonsense trotted out by the trio is allowed to stand.

Seriously, the comments on the threads have dwindled to FJ, The Sentinel and Pagan.

Ren seemingly does not care one jot.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger The Sentinel said...

Oh this is beautiful - two fuckwit fascist trolls embracing and wallowing in their fantasies!!!

This how DHG meets all of his online firends - by mutual trolling!!

And if you hadn't already worked it out Gert, it was DHG who left the comment 'I HATE THE JEWS' along with all the rest of the "anonymous" filth he cowardly posts!!!!

A right pair of fuckwits. You'll get on great!!!

You even have to steal my phrases such as the 'three amigo bigots'!!!

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Hello Sentinel you cunt, still smarting from being a coward and not turning up at the boozer you mug.

You always project your own fears and failings, such as your delusional and obsessive personality, your bigotry, your fascism and your endless trolling.

It is you who live in a fantasy land racist, you can make all the accusations you want, you have no evidence, no basis in fact or reality.

Now fuck off racist before I humiliate you again by offering to meet you and you won't show.



At 4:00 PM, Blogger The Sentinel said...

Oh hoffmann-gill, you really need help - you really do, what is it about you and your life that makes you so full of hateful fantasy? Makes you post the vile perverted filth you do? What makes you try and force your opinions and fascist censorship upon everyone?

What is that makes you the coward you are posting filth anonymously on Renegades Eyes blog?

As for not turning up, you know the truth - you can posture all you want - you know you are a coward; but it is just as well you didn't turn up as I think we would both have regretted it, me from a legal standpoint and you from a medical one.

As it is I know that you are just a mouthy Internet gobshite and haven't taken any of your threats against me and my family seriously.

Very, very luck for you, sunshine.

The fact is that you have no idea who I am, but I know who you are. And so do all of the dozens, if not hundreds you have vilely abused and threatened online, and it will all come to back to you one day son, from one those many others.

The law of averages.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

It's you that need help sentinel, seriously, the fiction you exist in must be hard to juggle with, you know the military background, the alleged web skills an dthe denial of who you really are.

Painful stuff.

Please remember that everything you type is actually about your own self, you are projecting but until you face up the reality of your own sad existence you won't be able to progress.

I don't post stuff at Ren's, I avoid that place like the plague and don't forget love, the coward here is you...HA, couldn't face me could you, shame on you, ego is bruised still?

All that bugs me is that I was going to get me friend Wendy to video me at the pub as evidence but she had to drop out, shame that, you'd have nowhere to hide would you?

Oh well, at least you can cling to your delusions for a bit longer.

And keep your threats coming cunt, it makes you look SO hard.


At 4:33 PM, Blogger The Sentinel said...

Oh hoffmann-gill, you really do need help son! you really do!!

Everything you say is either hate or bullshit - or bullshit hate!!

Like I said you have no idea who I am at all let alone my background and so you have to make up more lies to make yourself feel better - more of a man. But go ahead, what evidence do you have of even who I am, let alone my background...? That should be good for some more bullshit and lies!!!

And who do you think you are fooling with your "anonymous" and attempted ID spoofed posting at Renegade Eye's blog? Certainly not Renegade Eye for a start - he knows its you!!! Along with everyone else you clueless fuckwit!!!

Of course "Wendy" had to drop out!! Oh fuck off you fantasy world fucking clown!!! Who do you think you are fooling??? Not any adults, son, that's for sure!!! And who in their right mind would even think about bringing a woman along to film it anyway!!! What a twisted coward, wanting to hide behind women and films!!!

There's been no threats here sunshine, just a few facts - if you had turned up, you are such a mouthy cunt that there is no doubt we have both regretted it, me from a legal standpoint and you from a medical one.

If I had taken any of your vile threats against me and my family serious... But how could I? You are just an Internet clown - albeit a vile, perverted gobsite one - but just an internet clown all the same consumed with impotent rage.

Like I told you a few times - you are dangerous man for both yourself and your family because of your demented online hate campaigns; one day amongst the hundreds you vilely insult and threaten, one will be a grade "A" nutcase and will take it back to you and maybe even yours in real life.

Like I said, the law of averages.

You are an idiotic and selfish cunt of epic proportions.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Back again you obsessive cunt?

Your use of son gave me a shiver, oh the woe of being your offspring. Poor little bastards, that is if you're not making them up...

And you protest too much duck, it's you that needs help in your imaginary world.

"Everything you say is either hate or bullshit - or bullshit hate!!"

The use of exclamation marks shows that your wig is slipping, your getting a wee bit het up I sense, take it easy old boy before you collapse.

And I don't want to know who you are you mentalist, unlike you, who seem rather obsessed with who I am and my movements. It surprises me little you want to be hiding behind your shield, your cowardliness has shown itself in rich form.

Again, you can pretend all you want that you have the inside knowledge about who this anon is over at Ren's, you do it often but it is delusion you hateful little racist. My, it must be hard being you.

It is a real shame I did not video me being there but I'll ask you here and let's see if you answer, if you were there you'll be able to tell me who was playing on the games machine near the bar, describe the door staff and tell me what was on the TV?

I dare you!


And only you could attack someone and then claim is an invention and a lie, silly boy, you're getting confused and trying to have your cake and eat it.

"There's been no threats here sunshine"

You're a liar and a coward sweetheart but nice to see you make a physical threat, try it sentinel, I dare you, come on coward, try it. You chickened out last time coward didn't you?


The Internet clown here is you, you poor deranged idiot and as I said you forget every comment you leave just reflects your fears, not mine.

Get back to being really good at web design you cretin, you need the practice...

Let that be your law of averages!

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Gert said...


I asked you to stay away from this blog.

The comments above will stay only to show what a buffoon you actually are.

You are now officially banned.


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