Thursday, July 28, 2005

Suicide Bombers without a Cause

Mr Blair and his war cabinet continue to deny any link between the bombings and the deplorable state of affairs in Iraq. The tune of Mr Blair’s message changed an eensie, teensie bit towards: ”well, alright then, may be some muslims do have a liiiiiittle bit of a grudge against us re. Iraq, but [indignation reaching crescendo] that doesn’t justify any suicide bombings”.

According to a Daily Mirror/GMTV poll, some 85% of Britons now believe that terrorisms at home is directly linked to the war in Iraq, but that isn’t something Mr Blair and his cronies are willing to take into account. Democracy hasn’t been New Labour’s strong suit for some time now.

Tony, no one is saying that what the suicide bombers did (and will continue to do) is justified or can be condoned. It’s in the nature of terrorism that these people carry out uncondonable acts, did you get that?

But it is an insult to the dead to deny the link with Iraq.

The idea of a deeper underlying cause for these attacks, other than the West’s, and in particular the UK’s and the US’s, involvement in several Middle Eastern misadventures such as Gulf War II, is risible and highly improbable.

The Government’s stance that the fact that suicide bombings have occurred also elsewhere is also a feeble smoke screen: Madrid was directly linked to Spain’s involvement in Iraq, in Istanbul the target was the British Consulate. The recent attack in Egypt is one in a long line of internal but essentially anti-American terrorist attacks.

The gang of four seem to imply that these suicide bombers are motiveless. But history has shown that all terrorist groups have in fact very clear motives and objectives. It’s true of Bader-Meinhof, Red Brigades, Black September, PLO, IRA, the loyalist factions, Hamas, Al Qaida etc etc. It’s certainly true of this latest batch as well.

And for anyone still in doubt as regards the anti-Western feelings of Iraqi Jihadis,
read this previous post.

It’s time to acknowledge the devastating effect of British involvement in Iraq: doing so could just prevent us being drawn into a long and protracted war with this faceless and virtually invisible enemy and having to transform this country into a fortress, Israel-style.

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