Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Guardian of America

Wow, the cousins across the pond are going to love this: The Guardian goes US!

I guess all three American readers of The Guardian are going to be best pleased with the paper's passage to America. Although Michael Tomasky, editor of Guardian America, put it like this:
I notice reading back that I seem already to have answered the second question - above are the reasons why Americans would want to read this product. In fact, this isn't hypothetical. Many Americans, about five million a month (forgive me slipping into argot here, but more properly than "people", they're "unique users"), already do read the Guardian through its website - as well as the thousands who subscribe to the Guardian Weekly - for its excellent US and international coverage. We hope we're giving them more reasons still to read it.

Well, I for one will be reading it. But then, I'm not American...

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At 6:22 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

OK mate...save me some time as I'm very busy today (family illness)...is this a Liberal Publication, moderate or Conservative, honest or dishonest...

I'm going to hazard a guess that if your reading it...it's Liberal...but I have been known to read Liberal articles...if they are done honestly and aren't complete propaganda....

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Hi Cookie,

In American parlance this paper is liberal, Eoropeans would considerer it centre left...

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

OK...thanks fer the feedback mate. I just might take a look at it every now and agin...

It's always good to know what the enemy camp is up to... ;-)


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