Monday, August 17, 2009

The Protocols of the Elders of Los Angeles...

Allow me a short intermission from anti-Zionism and a little spoof indulgence based on one of the grossest comments I've read on the Interwebs in a long, long time, made by (the aptly named?) 'Farmer John':

"But then again, putting the heterosexual community at risk is the only way homosexuals can count on their continued funding of research into a cure [for AIDS]."

John (leader of the resistance, speaking from a Safe House deep inside the Gay Community, no relation to Farmer): So the plan is to have as much unprotected anal sex as possible, infect, get infected, go forth and multiply, as it were...

Richard: But... that's a recipe for collective suicide!

John: Richard, Richard, Richard: you've gotta see the bigger picture, man. If we infect half the US population with AIDS, ALL medical research funding will be redirected to AIDS research and three months from now we'll all get a curing jab. A bit of pneumonia or Kaposi syndrome is well worth the Cause, don't you think?

Adam: But me and Steve are happy together, monogamous and not too keen on bumming...

John: It's a different ballgame now, you and Stevie's gonna have to unlearn everything you know about AIDS so far: be as promiscuous as you can, fuck everything on two legs that breathes, no protection, anal only and don't forget bisexuals and desperate heteros. And DON'T forget to have fun with the MILITARY either, if we could break in there, we're gonna be home and dry even quicker: even the Evangelicals would be clamouring for a cure for 'our boys'... Think of it as 'Don't ask, just sodomise'...

Some American Conservatives say the darnest things...


At 3:17 AM, Blogger Frank Partisan said...

FJ doesn't say a word, he doesn't believe.

That's why it's called The Gay Agenda.

At 3:10 PM, Blogger Gert said...

The Gay Agenda, yes.

I've tried to read Farmer's comment slightly differently, looked for an alternative meaning but it doesn't work: the premeditative aspect attributed to homosexual behaviour will not go away.


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