The Bassam Aramin Appeal
Our Final Appeal on Behalf of the
Bassam Aramin University of Bradford Scholarship Fund
This remarkable, brave Palestinian Peace Activist seeks funds to study for his MA Peace Studies in September 2010. Two months to go –please help! PLEASE DONATE TO BASSAM ARAMIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND BY PHONE, ONLINE OR BY CHEQUE (SEE BELOW).
About Bassam Born in 1967, Bassam lives in the
Personal History. The Israel-Palestine conflict has overshadowed Bassam Aramin’s life. Involved in the Palestinian resistance as a teenager, he spent seven years in an Israeli prison. Released in 1992, Bassam realised that the conflict could not be solved by violence and embarked upon an ambitious and ever growing grassroots dialogue project involving key players in
Commitment to Peace. Aramin has demonstrated a lasting commitment to peace in the Middle East . His personal history of the conflict uniquely qualifies him to speak out for Palestinian human rights and self-determination while reaching out to former enemies as demonstrated by his tireless work for the remarkable organisation Combatants for Peace. His influence is apparent as a regular speaker in Israeli and Palestinian education institutes, invitations to speak in the Unites States, the far East and Europe including the European Parliament. He co-hosts with an Israeli former combatant a weekly dialogue radio programme. He writes and gives public talks and is the subject of an Israeli play, and films.
Benefits of Peace Studies (MA) at the
Because of the death of their daughter, Bassam’s family will accompany him. Bassam has already secured half of the necessary funding: for donation details please click on: and follow the steps below or over page:
- By phone: 01274 235743. Quote: D1926 The Aramin Scholarship Fund
- Online: To make an online donation, go to, and follow the steps on screen. Inserting Bassam Aramin and D9126 at the beginning is esential
N.B. Ensure you tick the box marked, I’d like to leave a message and copy the text: Please direct my donation to D9126 The Aramin Scholarship Fund into the field below.
- By gift aided cheque:
Making a Gift Aid declaration will increase your donation by 28%
The declaration below should only be signed by the donor if s/he pays
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*Please make your cheque payable to “
d 9126 Aramin Scholarship
Maxine Douglan-Smith
Finance Dept,
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