Friday, April 01, 2011

Aha… Ahav… Ahava… have gone!

Vavavoum! Another BDS success, this time in the heart of London: the AHAVA shop in Covent Garden is closing its doors, thanks to months of anti-settlement protesters at the site the landlords have decided not to renew its lease. Good riddance to the peddlers of Dead Sea based stolen crap, presented as useless lotions and potions once upon a time to be consumed mainly by the brain dead. And not a feather in Richard ‘not a Zionist’ Millett ‘journalist's’ cap either, who up to the very end kept telling his imbecilic entourage just how well AHAVA was doing and what a bunch of ‘LOOOSERS!’ the protesters really were. Now our insipid Zionist tells us that:
My bet is that the protests will continue. They are more about defaming the Jewish state than anything else, and that says all you need to know about the nature of the beast we are dealing with here; anti-Semitism.
And that he’s ‘not playing the anti-Semitism card’! Yet what to expect from a dumb f*ck who denies the settlements are illegal? The man finds himself on the wrong side of just about every argument, including this rather minor one, AHAVA...

Update: I know, I know: you shouldn’t mock the afflicted but as so often with Far Right Zioblogs (are there really any other left?) the comment section provides the real hilarity. Here’s Daniel Marks (or ‘Dannenbaum’ as I call him affectionately), British Zionist settler from Ma’ale Adumim, who clearly ancies himself a bit as the ‘Churchill of Zionism’:

Furthermore, I have no doubt that the enemies of Israel will be turning down the volume of their TV lest the killings of Kadafi and the assassinations of Assad interrupt victory celebrations. Thus I say, “Let them make merry.” The blood of their allies stains the Arabian sands as they murder each other in the most barbaric manner imaginable, but no one can take from them that they have forced a cosmetics shop in London to relocate, “To the victor belong the spoils”.

Like many of you I suspect that this may be but a prelude to struggles ahead. Struggles that may have begun at the Ahava store in Covent Garden, but that shall surely reach other cities of Europe and other capitals of the world. Neither do I believe that in these struggles Jews will or should stand at the vanguard of those opposing the dark clouds of radical Islam. It is for Englishmen to fight for the character of England and Frenchmen to fight for the future of France. If they do, like us they will always prevail. If they don’t, no Board of Deputies or Zionist Federation will be their saviors.

So I say to all those advocates of Ahava, those champions of Covent Gardens that, like the legendary expeditionary force of Dunkirk, you have done all that anyone could have done and now it is time for you all to come home. Bathe in the real Dead Sea where no cosmetics are required, feast on the beauty of the Land of Israel drink of her wine and eat of her fruits.


At 12:16 PM, Blogger Daniel Marks said...

Hi Girty,

Glad you enjoyed the comment. In fairness, it was written in a somewhat tongue in cheek fashion and was meant mainly to wind up the Anglo Zionists, who choose to support Israel from a distance. It is more about about "Zio vs Zio" than Dead Sea cosmetics.

Reread some of the reactions from my "allies", especially Leah et al and you'll understand what I mean.

By the way what is the "Churchill of Zionism" rot? A greater Zionist than Winston Churchill there never was.

Happy Israel Independence Day to you and any readers you may have!

Daniel Marks

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Gert said...


"Churchill of Zionism" rot? Your comment, at least in parts, sounded very much like Churchill’s famous ‘we shall fight’ speech:

”We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender […]”

And yes, perhaps it was tongue in cheek. The Britzionists that hang out at Millett’s are hardly the sharpest tools in the box: whenever I need convincing Zionist foreign policies need opposing I need look no further than the bullcrap of Leah, Sharon Klaff and most others. Not to mention ‘Woger in the USA’, a rabid Islamophobe if I’ve ever seen one…

Churchill a Zionist? Not sure about that. Some claim he was an antisemite. But there’s no shortage historically of antisemitic Zionists…

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Daniel Marks said...

It was meant to sound like Churchill, hence the reference to Dunkirk etc.

Churchill was a lifetime Zionist. Whether he was an anti-semite or not is more open to debate, though I tend to think not. He did get angry after the Lord Moyne killing though.

The two are not always mutually exclusive. I believe that there are many American Christians who passionately support Israel and probably dislike US Jews. Their support for Israel is for messianic reasons - it's all good.

I'm not sure that the EDL has no Jew haters either. Yup, Girty my friend, not everything is black or white.

I think that there are many anti-Semites who would rather all Jews just leave them alone and "go back to where they came from", does that make them Zionists? Either way I agree with them.

Happy Independence Day! If you make it over to Palestine come to our BBQ!

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Gert said...

The EDL are the linear descendents of several post-war fascist groups: once they would have supported the wholesale expulsion of British Jews, now they would support the wholesale expulsion of British Muslims.

You see any difference there? How people like ‘Waynetta’ Moore (the Jewish ‘frontwoman’ of the Jewish wing of the EDL) cannot see this is beyond me. You protest (rightly so) anti-Semitism, yet appear to support a group that’s deeply racist too.

Nought queerer than folk…

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Daniel Marks said...

Many years ago some anti-Semites desecrated a UK synagogue writing with a spray paint, "Jews go home!" There was to be Hebrew classes there the next day and the community were worried as to how the children would react. Then someone took another spray cab, wrote inverted commas around the sentence and changed it to, "Jews go Home!" - Theodor Herzl.

I believe that all Jews should live in the Land of Israel and nothing would give me greater satisfaction than them all being "expelled" here. It is as simple or as complicated as that.

Tell me Gert, is there anybody else here besides us?

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Avram said...

"Churchill a Zionist? Not sure about that. Some claim he was an antisemite."

He made one anti-semitic comment in the 1920s I think that's recorded. Other than that, I don't think he ever did anything to deserve the title.

"once they would have supported the wholesale expulsion of British Jews, now they would support the wholesale expulsion of British Muslims."

Yah, most of my Muslims friend in Europe don't understand the growing anti-semitism within the European Muslim world (THEIR words), 'We are both the 'enemy' - if they kick one of us out, the other is next' is essentially what they say ... Makes you wonder even more why so many Arabs actively supported Nazism (and sadly still look at Hitler as some role model). You guys aren't part of the 'master race'.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Gert said...


Herzl had, shall we say, peculiar views about Jewry. Definitely not shared by me.

”I believe that all Jews should live in the Land of Israel and nothing would give me greater satisfaction than them all being "expelled" here. It is as simple or as complicated as that.”

By hook or by crook, eh? Still, you know that’s not going to happen for a variety of reasons. If anything Jewish immigration to Israel is stagnating and will continue to do so…


”Makes you wonder even more why so many Arabs actively supported Nazism (and sadly still look at Hitler as some role model). You guys aren't part of the 'master race'.”

Makes you wonder? Perhaps you should read up on it then, instead of spouting self-serving one-liners. There were Nazis and supporters of Nazism everywhere in Europe, as well as in the UK and USA. There were Jewish collaborators with the Nazis too. And also Arabs/Muslims who actively fought Nazism and the Nazis on the allied side.

Over-simplifying things reduces their meaning...

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Avram said...

"Perhaps you should read up on it then, instead of spouting self-serving one-liners. "

Wait, you mean what I said wasn't true? Btw, how is Mein Kampf doing in the Arab world? Still selling well? Do you think those that read it realize Hitler hated them as much as he hated the Jews?

"There were Nazis and supporters of Nazism everywhere in Europe, as well as in the UK and USA. "

Wow, you're really educating me here. I used to love the English and Americans until I read that line! :(((

"There were Jewish collaborators with the Nazis too. And also Arabs/Muslims who actively fought Nazism and the Nazis on the allied side."

Yet again, you are educating me.

So instead of pointing out where my statements are false, you just added more of the story that was irrelevant to the point I was making. And I didn't even go into the most senior figure in the Muslim world in the British Mandate, or the Nazi influence in Cairo or Baghdad.

Over simplifying? Perhaps you shouldn't get too sensitive - just like the BNP/EDL would come after Jews if their visions of Muslim-Free England were accomplished, the Nazis would have 'Final Solution'ed most Muslims had Jew-Free Europe/Middle East been achieved.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Avram said...

"If anything Jewish immigration to Israel is stagnating and will continue to do so…"

People like you have been saying that since the 1950s ... It will be ok - don't worry so much. Leave that to the Jewish grandmothers!

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Hmm… in 1950 I was minus eleven years old so that’s unlikely. 1950 was one of the absolute top years for Aliyah. The 2,000s have seen a sharp decline, compared to the record 90s decade. Perhaps you shouldn’t be so sensitive about that? Israel isn’t every diaspora Jew’s cup of tea…

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Avram said...

"Perhaps you shouldn’t be so sensitive about that? Israel isn’t every diaspora Jew’s cup of tea…"

Who's being sensitive Gertie ole chap?

I am fully aware that many Jews, and yes - even passionate Zionist Jews, won't come to Israel for many reasons we can both list for days (though we won't because we both have lives). Heck, there's many passionate Israeli Jews living in Israel who would leave in a second if they could!

That's ok - It's reality, and Israel isn't currently a place for everyone (and it may never be). C'est la vie.

However, it's here if they ever change their mind (for whatever reason).

Have a good night

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Gert said...

For a meaningful assessment of the relationship between the Arabs, the Nazis, Nazism and the Grand Mufti, I recommend Gilbert Achcar and Tom Segev discussing that topic.


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