Chimperor Bush Speaks...

Let me indulge in laziness, t'is the Season of Good Will after all.
On Dumbya's speech I really haven't got much to add that's not already been penned and analysed to death. So I'll let my fellow-blogger Nevada Thunder do the talking:
Did anyone see that fool last night? He decided this time to talk to us from the Oval Office. He hasn’t given a speech from there since he told us that he was invading Iraq back in ‘03. Once again, he tells us nothing new. He does try and convince us that we are winning the war. Sorry George, some evil men, who you appointed to high-level positions convinced you to go into Iraq, and you’re going to look like the idiot in the end. How does it feel to know you going to be considered the worst president in out nation’s history? And daddy won’t be that far behind either!
I bet at least Bliar, the rear-end of the comical duo, was impressed with his chum's performance. But most of the ROW weren't.
Keywords: Bush, speech
Gert and Nevada Thunder -
Yep - saw him last night and today during the press conference. Impressive in many ways - one of which is how he works to make people (like you?) understand what he has done and why - only to have you completely miss the point.
The War on Iraq was won a long time ago - the continuing War on Terror (main front being Iraq) is being won, in fits and starts to be sure, but that is how it goes in war.
One would have to be a fool to pay attention yet not see significant progress (and Gert has admitted to as much) and be hopeful for a decent Democracy to take shape, and our forces to come home in triumph.
Nevada, you sound a bit like your senator....could you be Harry posing as a blogger? ;-))
It is impressive, impressive that someone who's brain is so fucked by the cocaine and alcohol and needs a black box with a wire going to his ear telling him what to think and say has managed to fool anyone. Bush doesn't set policy in America. Bush isn't in control of Iraq, the so called War or Terror or really anything, he's just a vessel to take the heat as the people behind him and to the side of him destroy America. An impressive feat indeed to go down as the worst president in history as Nevada says.
You wrote:
Yep - saw him last night and today during the press conference. Impressive in many ways - one of which is how he works to make people (like you?) understand what he has done and why - only to have you completely miss the point.
The War on Iraq was won a long time ago - the continuing War on Terror (main front being Iraq) is being won, in fits and starts to be sure, but that is how it goes in war.
My reply:
You're confusing the issues: what exactly to you constitutes the War in Iraq and what the War on Terror? The latter implies somehow (but, pray tell, how??) that Iraq is the base and HQ of al-Qaeda, something even US intelligence reports clearly contradict. Of course if you guys keep on believing that fallacy, then withdrawal will simply never happen and the Middle East will once again have become the most important flashpoint in the world. Thanks for nothing, "Allies".
You wrote:
One would have to be a fool to pay attention yet not see significant progress (and Gert has admitted to as much) and be hopeful for a decent Democracy to take shape, and our forces to come home in triumph.
My reply:
You're hopelessly contradicting yourself: I accept the political process to be the only hope for something positive to have come out of this nightmare and our only hope for "honourable" withdrawal. But the War on Terror has nothing to do with that process, whatsoever.
Funny how they've started calling Dumbya "King George" (after "the Madness of...") and Blair, "Prez Bliar": it kind of fits. Modern Kings are puppets but our PM, now he has real power to lie, cheat and abuse, like the Monarchs of old...
J.UL1R4 -
Nice vocabulary....LOL. And a conspiracy theorist to boot! You really ARE Harry Reid!!!
Gert -
Notice I distinguish between the war ON Iraq (done) and the war IN Iraq (ongoing). Iraq is now a coalition partner, and Zarqawi (who calls his group al Qaeda In Iraq) is currently the most active of terrorists...who happens to be carrying his attacks mostly in IRAQ!
Are you still confused?
Yes, there are terrorists abroad...lots of them. But have you noticed that NONE have struck the U.S. successfully in the last four years? MANY have been thwarted, and how do you suppose that happened?
Enter the NSA and its secret (up until now) eavesdropping on long-distance terrorist-related communications. Worked pretty well, wouldn't you say?
We already know (you and I) that the political process is the true backbone of success in Iraq. No question. But the war on terror is being waged there simultaneously; and between our joint forces and these political successes, the terrorist will find no safe haven there in the near future.
Your assertion "Yes, there are terrorists abroad...lots of them. But have you noticed that NONE have struck the U.S. successfully in the last four years? MANY have been thwarted, and how do you suppose that happened?" I've heard many times and it still reminds of an old kids joke.
Bloke goes round the housing estate spraying a power from a dispenser. Passer by asks: "What are you doing?" He answers: "Spraying anti-elephant powder!" Passer-by, slightly dazed: "But there are no elephants here..." Bloke:" That's because the powder is working!"
You have no proof whatsoever of what you are asserting. Try no to insult my intelligence...
Gert -
Great joke - but hardly applicable. Just because you can't see air, does that mean you have no proof of it. Do you breathe?
There have been several thwarted attempts at terrorism in the States over the past three years - many in fact. But I would guess that the absolute proof of them having resulted directly from these wiretaps is still classified...that is, until some other traitor sells THAT to the New York Times.
And Gert - I never intentionally insult your intelligence!
Gotta go - Happy Christmas to you and yours!
Happy Christmas, everyone.
Peace on earth and goodwill to all.
Happy Christmas Gert, Timmer, Richard and all!
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