Thursday, November 22, 2007

Conservapedia and Homosexuality

What is it with American Conservatives and their obsession with homosexuality? Personally I've lost count of the number of American bloggers who in debate have resorted to calling me gay (but usually in the vilest of terms), even though I'm as straight as a fiddle, just because in their mediocre minds they seem to feel that levelling the g-word at someone is somehow going to be perceived as an insult and that that might just shut them up.

And now there's Conservapedia, this concerted attempt by some US conservatives to leave themselves wide open to scorn, derision and ridicule and make more centrist conservatives cringe even more than when Ann Coulter threatens to open her mouth.

Conservapedia is supposed to lend some counterweight to perceived "liberal bias" in Wikipedia, as well as provide US conservative home-schoolers, afraid their beautiful broods might catch a "liberal virus" from state schools, with "educational materials" and has been going for some time now. So it's reasonable to ask, in Mr Bush's parlance: "Is our children learning (and what am they teaching)?"

Time for some statistics. According to Conservapedia's own wisdom, 9 of the 10 most visited Conservapedia pages are homosexuality related (find the breakdown here). In fact, only the main page received the most traffic (1,922,731), the rest of the top ten pages are all homosexuality related and received 4,664,966 page views or 70.8 % of total top ten traffic. To put things "into perspective" a little, the 9 homosexuality pages featured in the top 10, account for 12.4 % of Conservapedia's total traffic.

Is this a case Conservative kids trying to understand what their parents' vile bias is all about? A case of "know your enemy"? We don't know but one thing's for sure: Conservative interest in all things gay continues to be at an all time high... And it does make you wonder whether they have an entry on "Public Restroom Wide Stance", doesn't it?

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At 5:18 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

Tsk Tsk Tsk...come on now amigo. Are ya just tryin to stir the pot a little and get it boilin, or is this just an "item of interest" that ya wanted to post?

Who really cares about this stuff? I don't, and most folks I know don't...but Hey...ya never know these days...

Other than ya been? Haven't heard frum ya much...stay in touch mate....Cookie

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Hi Cookie:

Of course this post contains a bit of a send-up element but it's nonetheless a worthy subject.

It's definitely my experience that despite all the anti-discrimination legislation now in place, homophobia is one of the socially more acceptable forms of xenophobia and it runs deep through Anglo-Saxon societies. In Britain sexual acts between two adult males were only made legal in 1967, so it should come as no surprise that strong remnants of anti-gay sentiment persist in this country (e.g.). If what in certain circles continues to be said and written about gay people would be said about Jews, Christians or even Muslims there would be hell to pay. Not so when it comes to our completely innocent gay co-citizens.

Then there's all that insidious talk about the "gay agenda", promulgated so often by Arsehole Supreme, Bill O'Lielly. What "gay agenda" might that be, Bill-O? The agenda that tries, in the face of blowhard mental midgets like you, to secure and maintain equal rights for this much maligned minority? No Bill, you mean something else for which, typically, you don't have the cojones to say it out loud... But then you always were a bumpersticker-type coward...

I've been regularly accused by desperate conservative bloggers of "taking it up the pooper" and much, much worse besides that. The fact that I'm not gay is completely irrelevant here: but the fact that said bloggers feel the need to resort to this kind of "insult" speaks volumes about their own Neanderthalesque attitudes to homosexuality and perhaps sexuality at large. When one such an imbecile (Bluto - and yes, he IS an imbecile, I read that blog sometimes and that guy's an extremist nutter) over at yours once did exactly the same, I didn't quite see you step up to the plate either.

Here's just one of several posts I've dedicated to this subject: the comments are the most noteworthy part of the article...

Have a good day.

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

Well Sir...I'm probably guilty as charged if its the incident I'm thinking about. For whatever reason, the two of you got into it over at my place...and...since I know "Bluto" personally as he lives nearby and I have worked with him in the past...and...since I enjoy the conversations, debates and discussions that you and I have...I thought it better to let the two of you go at it with each other and leave me out.

Was that wrong...maybe so...but to have a taken a side, I would have alienated at least one of you, and I chose not to do so....

Obviously, you took umbrage to that, so I may just have achieved what I tried to avoid...

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Gert said...


I wasn't particularly being critical of you, just sayin'...

At 8:05 PM, Blogger Cookie..... said...

BTW...did you get any of my e-mails?? Gregg says he's not sure if your getting his either.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Frank Partisan said...

It's widespread among American youth, to believe that homophobia is a form of bigotry. The conservatives for whatever short term gains they made by homophobia, will come back to haunt them.

Conservapedia sounds like a satire.

Ann Coulter isn't meant to be taken seriously. I think she thinks she is a television personality and author, not a serious political person. Malkin really believes what she says.


At 3:13 PM, Blogger Gert said...


I used to call it "Stupidopedia", on account of their position on "Evilutionism" and "Creative Thinking with Regards to Dinosaurs"...


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