Monday, November 17, 2008 is back...

and I didn't even notice immediately... even though FalseDichotomies, the blog of Alex Stein, a British Jew who made Aliyah some time ago, was always one of my favourites. Alex suspended the blog during his military service in the IDF (where he served in the "External Relations division" - whatever that is), instead serving subscribed readers (like undersigned) with an often Kafkaesquely amusing email account of his army experiences. When the email address I used for receiving his musings went AWOL, I had no means of establishing when (or even whether) would start up again, until I found notice of the regained service on And I had kept FD on my blogroll indefinitely.

What's interesting about Stein's blog is that it's written from the perspective of an Israeli who wants to change things from the inside: empathy for the Palestinian plight always featured high on FD. But the FD that made its re-entry into the blogosphere late October of this year (I didn't miss that much after all...) will be a different one. As Alex notes:
The constant grind of writing about the most overwritten subject in the world – the Arab-Israeli conflict – had taken its inevitable toll. There was nothing more to say.

So FD is taking a new direction, definitely less political, more (in his own words) reflections of a life lived honestly, in Zion, in the twenty-first Century.

Remains the question, what of his once trusted side-kick, Seth Freedman? Oh, Seth is alive and kicking, as ever writing controversial pieces in The Guardian's CiF that still have Israel Firsters from across the pond foaming at the mouth at that paper's "sickening Socialist hell hole anti-Zionism" (we should never fail to disappoint "The Righteous" -where would they be without us?) But on FD 2.0 not a trace of Seth so far...

One to follow...


At 8:07 PM, Blogger Alex Stein said...

Hey Gert - good to have you back as a reader. Sorry that you missed my summer project; you can check it out at

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Hi Alex,

Nice of you to stop by...


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